Meet Pinky and Snowy, Two Albino Boston Terrier pups.
I've set them up their very own page on the site because they are totally unique, I do not yet know if that is good, or bad, to those who chase unique no matter what, it's good, to the purist of the holy to standard only breeder, it's bad, VERY bad.
For me, if they have no other problems away from a sensitivity to strong light, and if DNA tests are as good as they should be by parentage alone, these pups should be fit, if they are that, I will decide what to do then.
I like different, but not at the cost of serious health issues that are caused by albanism alone and are not just breed related.
Given that many now live much more indoors than out, and so do their dogs, the light sensitivity alone is not much of an issue, only time will tell.
Follow them here or onFacebook or Instagram @Pinky_the_Boston